
Showing posts from October, 2023

Happy Halloween


fact check....



must read.....

  NP Comment Danielle Kubes: Why doesn’t anyone care about Arab-on-Palestinian violence? When Arab states root out Islamist terror cells, they do so with more force and far less care for innocent lives. The response: crickets Author of the article: Danielle Kubes,   Special to National Post Published Oct 30, 2023   •   Last updated 3 hours ago   •   5 minute read 43 Comments A picture taken on April 22, 2018, shows smoke billowing from the Palestinian camp of Yarmouk, south of the Syrian capital Damascus, during regime strikes targeting the Islamic State group in the camp.   PHOTO BY RAMI AL SAYED/AFP/GETTY IMAGES Article content An inescapable truth is that the world only cares about a Palestinian death when an Israeli is responsible. The silence — in newspapers, on social media, around dinner tables and on city streets — is deafening when Arab-on-Palestinian or Palestinian-on-Palestinian violence occurs. It is so consist...

smile....a classic

  A news reporter just uncovered a massive criminal ice cream conspiracy. It was a huge scoop.   Fred attempted to learn how to juggle chainsaws. He gave up after he became stumped.   An obese rodent? Double-chinchilla.   It's a lot easier to fly a plane than a helicopter. With a plane you can just wing it.   Fred got his wife purple thorny flowers for her birthday. He thought "thistle make her happy!"   I don't know if spinach is good for your muscles. But weed is good for your joints. Fred said that women wearing camouflage are sexy. I just don't see it.   Back in the 80s, celebrated athlete Florence Joyner refused to practice in the karate school attached to the Howard Johnson's she was staying in, citing quality concerns. FloJo no go so-so HoJo dojo.   Fred is not fat… He's a roll model.   Someone who feels the agony of being in crowds down in their bones? An introvertebrate.   Fred fail...

fact check....  
  What did the shepherd say to his dog? Let's get the flock outta here.   My wife said not to be too upset if someone calls me fat. You’re much bigger than that.   Ghengis Khan conquered central Asia steppe by steppe.   I bought some halloween corn on sale. It was called corn on the macabre.   Fred went to jail for robbing that furniture store. He was cot stealing.   If you plant a bunch of trees in an empty field... Is that a meadow morphosis The super hero who ruins everyone's mood with his  morose attitude? The Incredible Sulk.   Fred yelled "Hey man, get away from the back of my boat". It was a stern warning.   Fred is having all sorts of problems trying to put together bunk beds bought from Ikea. It's just one thing on top of another.   I have a joke about eczema that I’m just itching to tell.   My therapist just refuses to accept that I am not in denial.   I avoid clichés ...

surprised?....from steve  

america's decline into idiocy.....  

halloween now a days.....

  Fred has been trying to finish writing a book about surviving bankruptcy... ...but he can’t get out of chapter 11.   There's a problem with math puns . Calculus jokes are all derivative, trigonometry jokes are too graphic, algebra jokes are usually formulaic, and arithmetic jokes are pretty basic. But I guess the occasional statistics joke is an outlier.   Fred got canned at work when he was caught using his water pipe. His lawyer says it's a clear case of bongfull dismissal.   Fred thought it was a serious question when his teacher asked if he knew any words that had all the vowels in order. Turned out it was facetious.   The new Rolling Stones album is only so-so because it's underpowered. It's lacking Watts.   Is a mistake at the potato chip factory called a snack-fu? Someone said that an Indian restaurant is making colognes. It's a bunch of naan scents.   People keep coming up with new ways to measure the flow of el...

from doug...

  A Polish man who flew for the RAF in World War II is telling a class of school children about his days in the air force.   "In 1942," he says, "the situation was really tough. The Germans had a very strong air force and I remember,” he continues, "one day I was protecting some bombers and suddenly, out of the clouds, these fockers appeared.”  At this point, several of the children giggle.  “I looked up, and right above me was one of them. I aimed at him and shot him down. But they were swarming and I immediately realized that there was another focker behind me."  The girls in the room start to giggle and boys start to laugh. The teacher stands up and says, "I think I should point out that 'Focke-Wulf' was the name of the German fighter aircraft. "   "That's true, Mam" says the pilot, "but these fockers were Messerschmidts."

james webb...  

fake news again...

gotta see...faucet in ladies' room in italy.....


typical baggage handlers?.... gotta see

  What did Jay-Z call his wife before they got married? Feyonce   Fred retired today He took the summer ones off and put the winter ones on.   Fred got knocked out by a stack of playing cards. He got decked.   Fred's life coach is also an ornithologist… She said it’s important to have no egrets.   Shouldn’t “born again Christian’s” immediately convert to Buddhism?   Police say thousands of boxes of eggs were stolen They suspect poachers. Some large marsupials tried to trick Fred into bringing them home from the zoo. Luckily, He didn’t fall for the kanga-ruse.   Corny jokes are my favorite. They're amaizeing.   It's not easy passing the Magicians exam. Every question is a trick question.   Fred's Greek girlfriend gives him tingles and takes his breath away. Her name is Ana. Ana Phylaxis.   I read an article about Vietnamese doctors repairing an MCL ligament tear with noodles. Then I realized it was a pho knee ...

Gotta see...  

the war on misinformation...
  Riding my Harley   While riding my Harley, I swerved to avoid hitting a deer, lost control and landed in a ditch, severely banging my head. Dazed and confused I crawled out of the ditch to the edge of the road when a shiny new convertible pulled up with a very beautiful woman who asked, "Are you okay? "I'm okay I think." I replied as I pulled myself up to the side of the car to get a closer look. She said, "Get in and I'll take you home, so I can clean and bandage that nasty scrape on your head." "That's nice of you," I answered, "But I don't think my wife will like me doing that!" "Oh, come now, I'm a nurse," she insisted. "I need to see if you have any more scrapes and then treat them properly." Well, she was really pretty and very persuasive. Being sort of shaken and weak, I agreed, but repeated, "I'm sure my wife won't like this." We arrived at her place which wa...
  .....I got out from the supermarket and looked for the key of my car. It was not in my pockets. I went back inside and searched among tomatoes, potatoes and all the shelves attentively but found nothing. Suddenly I realized that it could be left inside the car and the car could be stolen. I ran rapidly to the car park and THE CAR DISAPPEARED! I called the police and gave them my position, the description of the car, the license plate, etc., etc., and I confessed that I left the key inside. Then I made the most difficult my wife. Daaarling.....(my voice trembled) I left the key in the car and it's stolen! There was la long silence.....then she screamed: I drove you and dropped you at the supermarket before going to the hairdresser! MORON! Not without embarrassment but happy, I said:  How nice! So you're coming to pick me up? She screamed again:  I can't, idiot! I am in the Police station and I have to convince them that I didn't steal the car!...

Makes you think.....  

Israel has no choice but to wage war on Hamas Those who believe Israel has alternatives are just plain wrong. Here's why.....

  NP Comment Ian Cooper: Israel has no choice but to wage war on Hamas Those who believe Israel has alternatives are just plain wrong. Here's why Author of the article: Ian Cooper,   Special to National Post Published Oct 23, 2023   •   Last updated 0 minutes ago   •   5 minute read Join the conversation A soldier stands on the turret of a tank as Israeli forces take positions near the border with Gaza on Oct. 11.   PHOTO BY GIL COHEN-MAGEN/AFP Article content After Hamas’  horrific attack  on Israeli civilians on Oct. 7, Israel has declared total war. Israel’s stated goal is to  eliminate  the terrorist organization’s military capabilities. The crisis faced by Gazans caught in the midst of the conflict is heartbreaking and likely to get worse, but Hamas has left Israel with no other choice. Those who believe Israel has other alternatives tend to hold two assumptions that are patently false. First is th...