Fred has been trying to finish writing a book about surviving bankruptcy...
...but he can’t get out of chapter 11.


There's a problem with math puns .
Calculus jokes are all derivative, trigonometry jokes are too graphic, algebra jokes are usually formulaic, and arithmetic jokes are pretty basic.
But I guess the occasional statistics joke is an outlier.


Fred got canned at work when he was caught using his water pipe.
His lawyer says it's a clear case of bongfull dismissal.


Fred thought it was a serious question when his teacher asked if he knew any words that had all the vowels in order.
Turned out it was facetious.


The new Rolling Stones album is only so-so because it's underpowered.
It's lacking Watts.


Is a mistake at the potato chip factory called a snack-fu?

Someone said that an Indian restaurant is making colognes.
It's a bunch of naan scents.


People keep coming up with new ways to measure the flow of electricity.
It's hard to keep up with current events.


Fred went out with a girl who owned a Jamaican barbecue restaurant.
She was a jerk.


You need special eyewear to repair an oboe or a clarinet.
They’re called reeding glasses.


I had an atomic physics joke, but it decayed. No longer funny.


I know a bunch of good jokes about umbrellas.
But they usually go over people’s heads.


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