What did Jay-Z call his wife before they got married?


Fred retired today
He took the summer ones off and put the winter ones on.


Fred got knocked out by a stack of playing cards.
He got decked.


Fred's life coach is also an ornithologist…
She said it’s important to have no egrets.


Shouldn’t “born again Christian’s” immediately convert to Buddhism?


Police say thousands of boxes of eggs were stolen
They suspect poachers.

Some large marsupials tried to trick Fred into bringing them home from the zoo.
Luckily, He didn’t fall for the kanga-ruse.


Corny jokes are my favorite.
They're amaizeing.


It's not easy passing the Magicians exam.

Every question is a trick question.


Fred's Greek girlfriend gives him tingles and takes his breath away.
Her name is Ana. Ana Phylaxis.


I read an article about Vietnamese doctors repairing an MCL ligament tear with noodles.
Then I realized it was a pho knee story.


Covert Oops: when an undercover agent screws up an assignment.



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