Showing posts from September, 2022
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They give novocaine to grizzly's to make them docile There's safety in numb bears The easiest thing to catch when you're ice fishing? A cold. Fred the handyman who didn't get a measuring tape for his birthday. His disappointment was immeasurable. Do people ever listen to the band Placebo… …and think it’s The Cure? Remember Charlie the Tuna from the commercials? He finally got canned. If meat eaters get into a beef, do vegans get into a.... Rhubarb? I don't like to brag But my psychologist said I have the biggest ego he's ever seen.
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Someone who steals noodles from the rich and gives them to the poor? Ramen Hood An Italian beggar? Giovanni Change I hate being so indecisive Actually it's not that bad Give a man fish and you'll feed him for a day, teach a man how to fish and he'll flood the internet with pictures no one wants to see It's 6 months since I joined the gym and no progress. I'm going there in person tomorrow, to find out what's really going on...
2 gotta see videos.....
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To protest after the ban by the Spanish authorities on the "annual bullfight" in SEVILLE and to maintain the tourist attraction that fuels the local economy, t he inhabitants decided to "unleash" their women, naked, in the streets of the city. This "women's race" instead of the "bullfight" was even more successful! As numerous as they are courageous, the women of Seville have not hesitated to show what is most secret or beautiful in defending local ancestral traditions
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An annoying teenager is just a minor inconvenience. What do you call an avocado in a brawl? Guacamelee The government has just announced a temporary ban on eel imports. Fortunately it’s only a moraytorium. A thief who keeps falling asleep? A narcoleptomaniac They traded the Pope to the Anglicans. For the Archbishop of Canterbury, cash and two prayers to be named later. It's just dawned on me that for the past 70 years... It should have been the United Queendom. Never study French philosophy before Roman poetry? Because that would be putting Descarte before the Horace.
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Vegetable farmers are doing okay. They earn a decent celery. At first, there were only 25 letters in the alphabet Nobody knew why. Fred was looking for a good recipe for Jam But then he just decided to make it up as he went along Charles was eaten by cannibals They had a chuck roast Fred bought some Dr Scholl's to help with his plantar fasciitis... He added insoles after injury. An atheist Cuban revolutionary? Infidel Castro. Ever feel like you’re having a near-life experience?
america's decline into idiocy.....now, she's funny!....
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Someone glued every card my deck of cards together, so now it's just a block of cardboard. I'm having trouble dealing with it. A Canadian visits America and gets held-up at gunpoint, the thief says, "Give me all your money and I'll let you live!" The Canadian replied gleefully, "Oh! You must be what they call a doctor!" Some composers are boycotting the bass clef They’re gonna be in deep treble. When its cold season in Belgium many start to cough and sneeze Many people even start feeling a bit phlegmish We are all getting stronger, 20 years ago, it took two adults to carry $50 worth of groceries. Today, a 5-year-old can carry them Fred initially thought of taking up plumbing, but it turned out to be a pipe dream. I don't believe in love at first sight, but I do believe in rejection at the first whiff