My surgeon is pretty funny

He left me in stitches


What do you call a carpenter who is a body builder?
A stud.


The keyboard factory was considered to be very inefficient.
They required two shifts to produce one keyboard.


Fred found a box of Viagra last night but they didn't work......
They were past their swell by date.


Fred has so much debt...
He could start a government.


One of the reasons that the Titan imploded?
Substandard sub standards.


Fred was so bored that he memorized six pages of the dictionary.
He learned next to nothing.


How do gender-fluid computers communicate?
With non-binary code


Spaghetti with no sauce?


Fred's dad did his yard work and kept his grass tidy into his nineties.

It was key to his lawngevity.


Sad all the people making jokes about the missing Titan sub
Some people will sink to any depths for a cheap thrill.


I had a joke about bowling...
But I'll spare you.


I'm uneasy around pescatarians...
There's something fishy about them.


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