ruv's rant.....

Take a small-brained animal and put him in a maze with a good-tasting treat at one opening & a bad-tasting treat at another.  After a few times, it will learn to get to the good opening and not to take the bad one.  

We call this learning.

Take an American and show him that guns kill, and after countless, daily mass murders, all he will say is it's a tragedy and state "our prayers are with the victims and their families".  They will not learn from these incidents and continue not to implement gun controls.

The lowest animal has learned from their mistakes, but the American hasn't.

This society has earned the right to be called Dumb Americans.

This society wants to ban abortions.  It's not right to "kill" an unborn child.

But it's ok to murder them in an elementary school.

Dumb Americans.


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