My dog chewed up a bunch of my Scrabble letters.
I'm at a loss for words.
The latest payment option for gravestones?
Fred was going to tell me a joke about jump ropes.
I told him to skip it.
To kill a vampire in France, you have to drive a baguette through its heart.
The process is painstaking.
The process is painstaking.
The actor Post Malone was the youngest of three brothers.
Pre Malone the oldest, and Malone the middle brother.
After years of brushing with Crest, Fred bought a tube of Colgate.
He said he needed a change of paste.
Shouldn't cowboy clothes be called ranch dressing?
Fred is creating a documentary dedicated on how to move cattle..
You herd it here first.
You herd it here first.
If you get a bladder infection, urine trouble.
Fake Viagra gives you placeboners.
Fred took an improv class but it was awful, the professor was completely unprepared.
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