The Legend of Chou Chou....from doug....


Our story begins many years ago in the finest restaurant in the Gaspe. That is, it was the only restaurant with a non-dirt floor.

One day a waiter was in the kitchen hurrying to the door with 3 heaping plates of the restaurant’s specialty

dishes: watery coleslaw, pre-cooked, reheated French fries smothered in out of the can gravy plus a heaping plate of fresh out of the can green peas.

Alas the waiter tripped and dumped the entire lot onto the floor.

Being too lazy to go back for replacements he scooped all the food up onto the 3 plates and casually walked out to the patron’s table.

There he announced: ‘the chef has decided to honour you with his latest culinary creation.”

The patron’s looked at the dishes and one asked him what it was called.

Just then the restaurant’s rat-catching cat – essential at all restaurants in the Gaspe – arrived at the waiter’s feet.

He had sampled the gravy on the kitchen floor and wanted more.

The waiter looked down and pushed the cat away with his foot and he said “shoo shoo”.

One of the patron’s looked at his plate saw the cabbage in the coleslaw and said “Ah, oui, Chou Chou.”

And, voila, this world class food legend of the Gaspe culture was born.


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