We still don’t know who originally came up with the idea that everything is made up of very small particles.
I guess it really doesn’t matter.


Best song by A Flock of Seagulls?
Shittin’ on the Dock of the Bay.


What brand of underwear do scientists wear?
Kelvin Klein.


What do you do when you realize that the salsa that you made to share at the  pot-luck is way too spicy for most?
Add more chillantro.


Boeing is one of the largest errorplane makers in the world.


Don’t talk about porcupines with your in-laws.
It’s a prickly subject.

What do you call an estranged male parent?
Your farther.


The cheesiest music?
R’n brie.


Fred is creating a master list of all types of energy.
It’s a long way from finished, but it has potential.


One of the animals in the zoo is pregnant, but nobody wants to talk about it.
It is the elephant in the womb.


If money is the root of all evil.
Then why do they pass the collection plate at church?


Someone painted several nut eating rodents on a barn in central Russia.

It was a rural Ural plural squirrel mural


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