Why do people with multiple, large, lavish houses behave so well?
They have manors.


Fred gave up his career as a photographer.
He kept losing focus.


How much beer could Goliath drink?
Enough to fill a Stein.


When Christopher Walken passes away....
..... he'll be a dead man Walken.


I think my dentist was hitting on me…
She said I should come see her again because I have a cute halitosis.


Fred's wife told him that she smelled beer on his breath but he said it was frog's legs.
What she smelled were the hops.

A new website to watch chess players in action.



There is a name for when you can't sleep at night so you just eat instead...
It's called Insom nom nom nom ia....


The make of car that gets in the least number of accidents?
Dodge. But ironically, they also make the model that gets in the most accidents. The Ram.


I'm not sure if I like rocking chairs....
I keep going back and forth on them.


FRed became a very successful tennis player.
It's a real racket to riches story.



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