Gilles & Justin....


New Variant

Canada ALERT - Gonorrhea Lectim. The Centre for Disease Control has issued a warning about a new virulent strain of this old disease. The disease is called Gonorrhea Lectim. It's pronounced "Gonna re-elect 'em," and is capable of crippling our country as we know it.

The disease is contracted through dangerous and high-risk behavior involving putting your cranium up your rectum. Many victims contracted it in 2019 when they re-elected Justin Trudeau's Liberals back into power and are now starting to realize how just destructive this sickness is.

It's sad because Gonorrhea Lectim is easily cured with a new drug just coming on the market called “Votemout” . It's pronounced "Vote-em-out." It can be picked up at your local pharmacy without a doctor's prescription. You take the first dose now as a Federal election can be called at any time, otherwise, Gonorrhea Lectim could eventually wipe out all life as we presently know it in Canada.

Please pass this important message on to all those bright folk you really care about.

Dumb as a box of Rocks 

A noted psychiatrist was a guest speaker at an academic function where, Justin Trudeau happened to appear. 

He took the opportunity to schmooze the good doctor a bit and asked him a question with which he was most at ease.

'Would you mind telling me, Doctor,' he asked, 'how you detect a mental deficiency in somebody who appears completely normal?'

'Nothing is easier,' he replied.

'You ask a simple question which anyone should answer with no trouble. 

 If the person hesitates, that puts you on the track.'

'What sort of question?' he asked.

Well, you might ask, 'Captain Cook made three trips around the world and died during one of them. Which one?''

Justin thought a moment, and then said with a nervous laugh,

'You wouldn't happen to have another example would you?

I must confess I don't know much about history.'



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