Fred finished his month-long training at the Acme sponge factory.
It was a lot to absorb.


My dermatologist retired.
She just didn't have that itch anymore.


Fred left his homemade bread in the oven too long.
Now it's toast.


Changing a bulb in a ceiling light is hard.

Chances are you'll screw it up.


I don’t think about the Roman Empire at all.
When I sit down at night, I rest my legs and think about the Ottoman Empire.


Fred can’t stop thinking about cysts, blisters, and boils.
He's abscessed!


Fred ate his breakfast off the ground this morning.
Eggs Floorentine.


The worst way to tell someone to stop making forgeries?
"Knock it off."


When buying a used bird cage…
You should always ask for proof of perches.


It's difficult to score in rugby but you can try.


Fred has a sink that has seperate spigots for hot an cold water.

He says in multi-fauceted.


Poodles are like cranberries.
Most people only get them if they're mixed with something else.


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