Fred's furniture goes back to Louis the 14th.

That is, unless he pays Louis by the 13th.


Fred said that his group photo was doctored.

A guy in the back row had a stethoscope around his neck.


I found out I have an albino doppelganger
Sadly it's just a pale imitation.


What do you call leftover treasure?


Fred's childhood home had five foot ceilings.

When he grew up he couldn't stand living there.


NASA is launching a new mission to say sorry to the aliens.
They are calling it Apollo G.

Fred's oldest boy insulted him while they were at the beach
It was a bad son burn.


I forced myself to stop going to the bank
Now I’m suffering withdrawals


I wanted to know why galvanization of metal takes so long.
I am steel reading about it, but I think it's about to zinc in.


Some say  that J.R.R. Tolkein was never truthful, and that he was an hobbitual liar.


Fred went to see a psychic and she was in a bad mood, then he saw a clairvoyant who was rather grumpy.
One day he’ll find a happy medium.


Fred nearly choked while eating a chocolate eclair
He had bitten off more than he could choux.



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