Pigeons have taken over the government...
It's being called the 'coo of the century".


I walked past a playground and heard some tunes playing.

It was swing music.


Fred bought his wife a lamp in the shape of a Pepsi bottle
She was soda lighted.


The comic told a lot of jokes about sewing.

He had the audience in stitches.


Is it true that "an apple a day keeps the doctor away?"
Or is it one of Granny's myths?


Rehab is for quitters.

Amazon has a new dating site.
It's called Prime Mates


If a donkey had wings would it be a bird of bray?


It seems strange that the coffee club was giving out t-shirts.


Fred and his wife got divorced and decided to split the house.
He got the outside.


Anything recommended by a stoned person is highly recommended.


I find that what always floats my boat is the concept of buoyancy.



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