great monday gordies....

 Someone keeps sending me floral arrangements with the flowers cut off...

...I think I'm being stalked


I saw a guy the store yesterday buying 5 crates of San Miguel and 4 kilos of chorizo.
I thought to myself 'Hispanic buying'


Fred was building a guitar, but he hasn't finished it yet
He told me to stay tuned


A cow that’s addicted to its phone?
A moo-llenial.


Is making a belt out of watches a waist of time?


It's always best to receive bad news while jogging so that you can take it in stride.


Morticians and coroners should be very muscular people
They do a lot of deadlifting


Where there's a will, there's a relative.


What did Tina Turner use to paint her kitchen?
Second hand emulsion.


Fred is making a sitcom about a group of deaf friends who live together in new york
it's called signfeld



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